Start Azure Automation runbook from powershell
With the new Azure Automation cmdlets I wrote about in the previous post we are now able to start runbooks from outside of Azure.
Here is an example how to start a runbook and also get the output from the runbook:
$AzureAccount = “Name of Azure Automation Account”
$RBname = “Name of runbook to start”
$Params = @{“Param1” = “Value1”;”Param2” = “Value2”}$RBjob = Start-AzureAutomationRunbook -AutomationAccountName $AzureAccount -name $RBname -Parameters $Params
DO {
$RBjobId = Get-AzureAutomationJob -AutomationAccountName $AzureAccount -id $RBjob.Id
$RBjobstatus = $RBjobId.Status
} Until ($RBjobstatus -eq “Completed”)Get-AzureAutomationJobOutput -AutomationAccountName $AzureAccount -Id $RBjob.Id -stream Any